Mari: Reflect on mug

But SS, on the other hand-

She has a knack for bringing out the BEST in people. WITHOUT having to insult them first.

If you’re being honest, you can’t help but feel a little jealous that she’s got this LEADER OF MEN schtick nailed down better than you ever could. Only a little though. After all, SS doesn’t know SHIT about BLADES. So OBVIOUSLY it all evens out in the end.

You got this mug from her on your FIRST BIRTHDAY as a way of OFFICIALLY UNOFFICIALLY welcoming you to her CREW. She said it was from her FAVOURITE STORE ON THE CITADEL. You haven’t actually completed a single level of Interplanetary Combatives Training, let alone seven. Kind of hard when her military banned swords for being “inefficient” and magic for “not being a real thing”. They’re lucky you don’t inter them in a planet or two while they stop to reload their “superior” firearms- which by the way, you were HIGHLY disappointed to learn are not even arms made out of fire.

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