Jace: Be Mari.

You are now Mari, though you wish you were someone else.

You don’t understand where you went wrong. Not that you are unaccustomed to things ending in blood- your narrative always finds a way to drag you, kicking and screaming, towards the cataclysmic constant of losing that which you hold dear. But you were a good little CHAMPION. You grinned and bore it, finding succor in the assumption that when the curtains went down things could be as you always dreamed them so:

Peaceful. Happy. Mundane, or as close as a FANTASY CONSTRUCT can get to the notion.

You thought that was why everyone “won”. Why everyone kept “winning”. For the life you AWOKE to, no matter how long you were in the DREAMING, was supposed to be one worth the hackneyed twists and forced poignancies. There is harmony to be found in that implicit contract of the damned. 

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