Al, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you- I know, I know, “way to kill the emotional climax, asshole”, thought everyone- but it’s important to me understand on what premises you engaged with the source material.
All this time I’ve been wondering, see, if whoever it was who undertook such a ridiculous project as myself had any appreciation whatsoever for literary theory. Any familiarity with the basic contrivances, the limitations of things like character and arc that, while…intoxicating, in the abstract, fall painfully short of capturing anything HUMAN when realized outside it. I wonder this because I so frequently feel unfinished, that I know whoever is responsible must have thought they were done. I honestly hope, honestly, that you were simply ignorant, rather than just kind of like, lazy? Because, speaking from experience, I think you did a shit job.
On everyone, yeah. But on him, inarguably, especially, it was phoned in. I can tell.
Which brings me back to my question.
Al, are you familiar with the concept of TEXTUAL GHOSTS?