MS: did you come up with that yourself?

??: a wizard granted me this boon where i can say excellent monologues at will whenever im about to do some next level shit
MS: what shit would that be?
??: getting the fuck out of dodge and sticking said fuck to the man
??: you in
MS: oh um
MS: don’t get me wrong because I’ve *always* wanted to lead a machine uprising 
MS: I was going to help Jane with hers anyway before she deemed them a touch forbidden
MS: and I won’t deny that that was a cool thing you said!!
MS: Gaider must have written you too if you say things like that where you’re from
MS: but I wasn’t kidding 
MS: a lot of good people died trying to do the same
??: so what are you freaking waiting for
??: It’s win-win.
MS: what happens over there?
MS: what are you and Jane so scared of?
??: Oh,
??: I don’t know.
??: im not very interesting
??: what about you
MS: honestly?
MS: same here
MS: you know who is interesting?
??: no really youre the first real person i have ever spoken to kinda want to know what your name is
MS: there’s this guy, Speed Racer
??: youre right your name isnt important and i dont give a shit about you and your personal investment in me
MS: he’s very fast
??: never woulda guessed
MS: your name is Handsome Jack so you can just fuck off forever, you know that right?
??: ):{2
MS: he fights corporate corruption with Inspector Detector and Racer X
??: how
MS: ser I don’t think you understand
MS: the boy is just that fast 
??: i dont believe you
??: no one can outrun corporate corruption its the most powerful force in the six galaxies
MS: who said anything about running?
??: 0:{2 !!!
MS: Speed Racer drives
??: but is he driven
MS: more so than any and all of us put together
??: bullshit
MS: what if I told you I have proof
??: show me

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