MS: the people in Kirkwall, are they…
HC: They’re fine. Solas and his troops were likely only using violence precisely to waylay those Jane most wanted to extract.
HC: That ship has literally sailed, and the firewalls will make almost any would-be resistance to the plans of he and the unknown co-conspirator moot, outside the Halo 4 front.
SS: A front we are
SS: Conveniently, I suppose
SS: Stuck in for the time being
MS: hey wait a minute
MS: where’d that sly old furry get a robot army anyway?
MS: I don’t remember any of those in Thedas, but I also remember that there should be two moons, and Dragon Age: Inquisition only has the one
MS: so maybe the Geth and Prometheans were there the whole time but no one ever talked about them or had seen them
MS: no really whoever he’s working with, the one who did the broadcast
MS: they’ve got to know something about the computational arts that’s not subconscious non-magic…or whatever it is you said…
HC: There could always be more than two. This isn’t Star Wars.
SS: Except, of course, for the places that literally are
HC: All I’m saying is there’s no reason to believe this group has shown their full hand.
HC: If anything, it’s hard to believe that only two people could be behind a conspiracy of this magnitude.
SS: Then our first priority should be recruiting anyone we can who was trapped in Halo 4 who’s not sympathetic to this faction’s suicidal cause
SS: They may have had surprise, but when the stakes are this high numbers fall on the side of the living
SS: Second, as long as we’re playing catch up, we’re losing.
SS: We need to know who these people are and why they’re killing themselves and taking all of us with them
SS: Jace, I’m going to need you to scry the whereabouts of our most likely candidates while we’re on the move
HC: On it.
SS: Emphasize recent antagonists and the especially old or heavily played
SS: Hopefully we can end this kill code at the source on Requiem below, but in the event this goes deeper we need leads
SS: And we need exits
SS: Which brings me to you, Ems
SS: How in the world did you find Dale’s key?