Humans could have made any world here, yet they chose to make it by and large a deeply violent one, for which you are THANKFUL. It’s hard enough getting by as it is with the occasional sanctioned death matches out in Reach. You don’t have a fucking clue what you’d do if the combination of IMPERMENANT DEATH and INDOCTRINATED ENJOYMENT OF BATTLE in this society didn’t make it ok to just like, go full Bride in a nightclub on some fools in the right contexts. Kind of makes you wonder what you’ll do once you’re in reality. Huh.
Jace speculates its simply because games are most often used to expunge bloodthirsty impulses of no social value to modern humanity. Most of our kind, he would argue, have their distaste for bloodshed inhibited, if not outright discarded in favour of varying levels of PREDILECTION FOR SAVAGERY. Otherwise, of course, we’d be too traumatized to be much use to anyone.
You’re going to have to disagree with him on that one, cause you feel like, and you’re speaking as someone who has abnormally high VIOLENCE LEVELS even by these BATSHIT METRICS, just really fucking traumatized in general about existing only to die and accelerate death??? You can’t even TOUCH guns anymore without losing your goddamn mind to repressed urges, and while on the whole you enjoy the experience the consequences are, um, UNBECOMING for the FUCKING REBEL LEADER, so you’ve sworn off the stuff.
Which sucks because lord knows you wouldn’t be getting demolished by a mid-tier ‘walker if only you had a Bitch or two.
You make a mental note to forge a gun called The Bitcher 2: Assassin of Kings, then once it becomes just shy of functional, watch it melt into nothing in the alien fires of the Talon of God, like some kind of perverse mandala. Jace would be really into that. You could make a day of it.
Truly, Jace’s take is so bad, you’re not even that broken up about not being able to answer his calls right now, because you’d rather this lunatic necromancer stave your skull in than listen to further human apologetics.