—narr0wR0ad [NR] began partying with innocentBlood [IB] and brilliantKatabasis at 20:40 [BK]—
— innocentBlood [IB] has ceased partying at 20:40 —
NR: By what chance find I/An 0ld w0lf’s scheme to f0il and/Cruel shad0w banish?
BK: hey did you start eavesdropping before or after I brought up MLP
BK: cause i see you aiming at me and
BK: let me guess
BK: youre a twilight sparkle man who just cant understand my fresh pinkie pie take
BK: and i know i know “Feeling Pinkie Keen” does have problematic anti-intellectual undertones so i can see why youd overreact but zer0 my dude and that right theres a nonbinary dude dont get it twisted-
NR: But what have I here?/A necr0mancer’s puppet?/0ld shade returned?
BK: im gonna go with a hard c)
BK: none of the above
NR: Say what y0u will, Jack/I d0ubt y0u truly merit/Bl00d’s rare paucity
Oh, what’s that? Identity dysphoria, in an already tense situation? Oh, Zer0, you shouldn’t have. Not that you blame the vault hunters for not knowing- y’all kind of instinctively hate each other the way people whose purpose revolves around the other’s utter destruction tend to do. Nothing that sticking to your side of the map can’t fix but, uh, not that conducive to detailed discussions about your neighbours’ evolving personhoods.
Still, they could at least BE POLITE. Maybe not hold you at gun point. Maybe communicate in a more effective manner. Like come on, which one of you is supposed to be the relatable playable character?
At least the last person who threatened you knew what your fundamental deal was. To be fair, she only knew so she could shit all over it. But it means a lot.