You do not think this is a good time to be the man who kept any piece of Dale from her.
You wanted it to be a surprise, when you got his key to work again. You’d nonchalantly weasel it into a conversation, well actually Mari, I HAVE had Burger King, and let me tell you, for all the shit we’ve managed to compare whoppers to, it’s something words just can’t describe.
Really you were just afraid what would happen if people found out you were using it and didn’t trust Mari not to talk. And by the time you could, it was about three years too late for you to start.
It can’t have been you. She can’t be angry at you. You don’t know what you’ll do to have time to deal with this right now. This key needs to get to her, and she has people who will know what to do with it. There’s more at stake here than your relationship, after all, isn’t there always?