AK: acceptable claims about the perils of black and white morality and the dangerous simplicity of terms like hero and villain could be argued
AK: not to mention more obvious morals surrounding ends not justifying means, ‘good’ being an active and constant decision rather than a state or objective that can be attained
AK: but of course, this isnt the story I find so hard to believe in the value of
AK: Theres a specific instance of Borderlands 2, a specific telling of the story, that for unknown reasons requires several self-aware, effectively identical blank slates to be inscribed with all the key personas necessary
AK: who then repeat the story as many times as necessary, all the while aware that they are in a story, yet thoroughly compelled to act it out as though it was equally real to them each time
AK: take us for instance
AK: we were once identical and meant nothing to one another
AK: yet we were differentiated and brought into believing we were of vital importance to each other, convinced of a time when we loved each other, seemingly all so it would hurt more
AK: we only mean anything to each other so that a tragedy which preceded and has nothing to do with us can be effective
AK: I ask you, why were we brought into this?
AK: If our apparent freedom of choice is suppressed and clearly unwanted when were in use, why implicate us at all?
AK: and dont you dare say this kind of complexity is somehow necessary to make the games run
AK: we both know more about the logistics of AI than anyone else trapped here
BK: I’ve known we’re being watched for
BK: well